Page name: Relient K Fans Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-18 19:41:23
Last author: Itsme2
Owner: Itsme2
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 9
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Ok, BIG news! It seems to me that Brian Pittman has left the manifestation known as Relient K! I truly think we should petition to get him back in the band! 
*sits and cries*
RK will never be the same without him!


This wiki is primarily for the promotion for Relient K, an absolutely awesome band that deserves more recognition than they're getting.


Relient K Fans Member list

Relient K Photo Gallery

Relient K Lyrics


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2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: It's just lonely old me.

2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: Yay, I get to talk to myself!!!

2004-07-04 [Leelo]: lol ok where do I add myself??

2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: just go to edit and add...wait...

2004-07-04 [Leelo]: ok...

2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: ok, now go to the member list and ta da!

2004-07-04 [Leelo]: lol

2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: Wow, two people!!!  Yay!!!

2004-07-04 [Itsme2]: No, wait...4!!!!

2004-07-05 [Leelo]:


2004-07-05 [Itsme2]: yay

2004-07-06 [*save my soul*]: when r relient k gonna release there new album?

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: I'm not really sure...

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: They haven't released the date, yet...

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: YAY!!!  5!!!

2004-07-06 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: how do i add myslf

2004-07-06 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: can u add me???? I can't, lol

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: yeah...just a second...

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: ok, you're added

2004-07-06 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: thanx!!!!!!!!

2004-07-06 [Itsme2]: no prob'm

2004-07-07 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: Hi everyone, even though no 1 is in here

2004-07-07 [dseeley1]: Hello! I am here and now no one is! SO HIIII!

2004-07-07 [Itsme2]: Yay...I'm so happy...6!!!

2004-07-08 [Lord Fortune]: O.o Though I love Relient K as much as the next person, they still get WAY more attention than other bands like say...Go Fish. Who are also incredible and need love...

2004-07-08 [Itsme2]: Eh...that's true.  You ever hear of Don't look Down?

2004-07-08 [Itsme2]: I say one band at a time.

2004-07-09 [Leelo]: lol

2004-07-16 [nightwulf]: hey whats up people? Relient K are my band's idol

2004-07-17 [Itsme2]: heh...that's so great!

2004-07-19 [nightwulf]: yea they are the greatest thing since post toasties....

2004-07-19 [Itsme2]: Well...I would agree...but I don't like Post Toasties...

2004-07-19 [nightwulf]: lol me neither i just say that

2004-07-23 [Itsme2]: ok...that works: )

2004-07-23 [nightwulf]: of course it does

2004-07-25 [Itsme2]: yay, for things that work!

2004-07-26 [nightwulf]: hehe yea things that!!!

2004-07-26 [Itsme2]: isn't that so totally awesome???

2004-07-27 [nightwulf]: sure why not

2004-07-27 [Itsme2]: yay

2004-08-29 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: mmm reliant k

2004-08-29 [Itsme2]: YAY!!! Have you seen them in concert?

2004-08-29 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: no so sorry

2004-08-31 [Itsme2]: Aw...I have...they rock.

2004-09-01 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: CDs are good eh?

2004-09-03 [Itsme2]: YAY!!!

2004-09-03 [Itsme2]: is that their new album cover?

2004-11-04 [Itsme2]: I got their new CD...and Brian's left the band!!!!!

2004-11-06 [sugar_n_spicy]: I LOVE RELIENT K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........Brian left the band??????? wat????????

2004-11-08 [Itsme2]: He did! He didn't have any thanks on the, well, the thanks page, and Dave said "it's been great working with him!" I'm so mad...I think we should petition: )

2004-11-08 [suicidalbunny131]: hey's the new RK cd?

2004-11-08 [Itsme2]: I think it's excellent. It's more mature then the other ones...but it doesn't have a hidden track at the end, so that's disappointing.

2004-11-09 [sugar_n_spicy]: wats the cd called?

2004-11-09 [suicidalbunny131]: mmhmm

2004-11-09 [Itsme2]: MmHmm

2004-11-16 [Itsme2]: So...whee! Skillet rocked!!!!!

2004-11-16 [suicidalbunny131]: Skillet's drummer rocks!

2004-11-16 [Itsme2]: Whee! Yes, she does! The guitarist isn't half bad, either.

2004-11-16 [suicidalbunny131]: and i looked up her name, it's lori

2004-11-16 [Itsme2]: Ok...I knew it had an ori in it.

2004-11-16 [suicidalbunny131]: yep yep

2004-11-17 [Capt.Jack Sparrow]: has anyone gotten the new cd

2004-11-17 [suicidalbunny131]: i burned it from itsme2

2004-11-17 [Itsme2]: I actually bought it!!! I'm not a theif like some people here! *cough*

2004-11-17 [Itsme2]: Wow...theif? I can spell, I swear! I mean, thief.

2004-11-17 [suicidalbunny131]: mwhahahahaha take that

2004-11-19 [Itsme2]: Shut up, Jamie! Guess what!!! Kody's gonna teach me how to play my guitar better!!! I'm so happy!

2004-11-19 [suicidalbunny131]: Really, cool. it he gonna be there on saturday?

2004-11-19 [sugar_n_spicy]: hey i wanna play guitar but my mom won't let me have one...grrrrr

2004-11-20 [Itsme2]: I dunno...I hope he'll be there. Why won't your mom let you get one?

2004-11-20 [suicidalbunny131]: lol my mom won't let me get a drum set. go figure. :p

2004-11-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: cause she says its too noisy.....grrr

2004-11-21 [Itsme2]: Oh...well, you can get headphones.

2004-11-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: its not like she would understand that anyways, shes made up her mind i guess i'll have to just use my friend's

2004-11-22 [Itsme2]: Ah, well. Yeah, go use your friend's guitar...that'll rock more!

2004-11-23 [sugar_n_spicy]: lol hehe

2004-11-23 [Itsme2]: Woo! Cody rocks! He's going to teach me how to play better!

2004-11-23 [suicidalbunny131]: lol yay for you! my lessons are cancelled b/c of thanksgiving....*mutters* stupid holiday...

2004-11-23 [Itsme2]: Eh...hey, what're you doing tomorrow night?

2004-11-23 [suicidalbunny131]: what's tomorrow? oh yeah, wednesday...nothing!

2004-11-23 [Itsme2]: Would you like to go see the Incredibles with me, Chad, and possibly Lizz?

2004-11-23 [suicidalbunny131]: lol ya cause that movie rocked!

2004-11-23 [Itsme2]: Ok...your car wouldn't make it, though?

2004-11-23 [suicidalbunny131]: lol no. we'll prolly have to take Lizz's

2004-11-23 [sugar_n_spicy]: hey orange sherbert sounds great right now

2004-11-24 [Itsme2]:, yeah, it really doesn't sound that great...

2004-11-25 [sugar_n_spicy]: :) hey HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!............gobble gobble!

2004-11-25 [suicidalbunny131]: you too!

2004-11-25 [sugar_n_spicy]: don't eat too much turkey! you'll get really sleepy

2004-11-25 [Itsme2]: Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Woosh!!!

2004-11-25 [suicidalbunny131]: lol, i'm a turkey!

2004-11-26 [sugar_n_spicy]: i didn't get to eat that much for the dinner, after dinner i set up the christmas tree and set up some lights in the front yard

2004-11-26 [Itsme2]: Me too! Hey, Billy came over yesterday.

2004-11-26 [suicidalbunny131]: yeah i heard. i went over to the bartolos after i went to brittney and kristen's house. sorry I didn't call you back. my phone was being stupid again and when it started working, I had forgotten

2004-11-26 [Itsme2]: That's ok. I forgot I had already left a message on your phone that second time. What did y'all do over at b's?

2004-11-26 [suicidalbunny131]: hung out. watched some movies lol

2004-11-26 [Itsme2]: Cool, cool...

2004-11-26 [suicidalbunny131]: we do that alot at the bartolos, or at least lately

2004-11-26 [Itsme2]: lol. That rocks...hey, are we gonna have band practice tomorrow?

2004-11-26 [suicidalbunny131]: i dunno

2004-11-26 [Itsme2]: Hmmmm...

2004-11-28 [sugar_n_spicy]: sweeto neeto I still haven't heard Relient K's New CD I WANNA HEAR IT SOOOOO BAD

2004-12-13 [Itsme2]: It's really REALLY good, but it's a lot more serious than the other albums.

2004-12-13 [sugar_n_spicy]: thats what people have been telling me, but is it a good serious or a bad serious?

2004-12-13 [suicidalbunny131]: good serious

2004-12-13 [Itsme2]: definately good serious. They (thank God) took a more mature approach to it this time. I think it's kind of refreshing.

2004-12-13 [suicidalbunny131]: I'm listening to Relienkt K right now...well, I was...I have my thing on random so now it's on Falling Up "Symmetry"

2004-12-13 [Itsme2]: Heh...that song kind of rocks!

2004-12-13 [suicidalbunny131]: and now it's "open wounds" by skillet

2004-12-13 [Itsme2]: Yay, Lori!

2004-12-14 [suicidalbunny131]: woo!

2004-12-14 [Itsme2]: I think she rocks!

2004-12-14 [sugar_n_spicy]: i luv skillet

2004-12-14 [Itsme2]: Yup. Skillet rocks. [suicidalbunny131] and I went to one of their concerts about a month ago.

2004-12-14 [suicidalbunny131]: it ROCKED! ...and my car didn't get stuck in the mud! that rocked too!

2004-12-14 [sugar_n_spicy]: lol! I've never been to a skillet concert. I'm so mad i missed the bus that was going to take me to a ski trip! Now i'm here playing hookie cause i don't want to go to school!

2004-12-14 [suicidalbunny131]: lol, this is my last week before break. i hate finals :(

2004-12-14 [sugar_n_spicy]: i hate finals STUDENTS ON STRIKE

2004-12-14 [Itsme2]: guys have fun!

2004-12-15 [sugar_n_spicy]: grrrr

2004-12-15 [Itsme2]: *giggle* This is funny!

2004-12-15 [sugar_n_spicy]: anyways.... i hate this class (keyboarding) i had to take it for 3 YEARS!! this is a waste of my time, cept i can talk online soo thats cool

2004-12-15 [Itsme2]: mean, like, typing or whatever? I just use my index fingers for everything. I can't type, just because i was too lazy to learn how.

2004-12-15 [sugar_n_spicy]: hehe, i hate the class its so pointless

2004-12-16 [Itsme2]: It is...not that I've ever taken it, but you know...

2004-12-16 [sugar_n_spicy]: yeah........soooo pinapple slushie sounds good again!

2004-12-16 [Itsme2]: Ok...

2004-12-17 [sugar_n_spicy]: lol, what was ur fav boyband when you were little

2004-12-17 [Itsme2]: I'm not sure. I used to have a big crush on Lance from N'Sync when I was, like, 9.

2004-12-17 [sugar_n_spicy]: Lance was pretty cute back than, but i didn't like N'Sync as much as backstreet boys or 98 degrees, lol

2004-12-18 [Itsme2]: I don't think i ever really liked any boy bands (although they're not really bands)...I just thought Lance was cute.

2004-12-18 [sugar_n_spicy]: ^^ wat are you doing for X-mas

2004-12-19 [Itsme2]: Not much. Just spending it with the immediate family. What about you?

2004-12-19 [sugar_n_spicy]: yeah same here, my sis is coming down from college

2004-12-20 [Itsme2]: That rocks!

2004-12-20 [sugar_n_spicy]: it should be kool, have you got your shopping done?

2004-12-21 [Itsme2]: Heh...yeah, almost. I've just got to figure out what to get my 6 year old brother. How 'bout you?

2004-12-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: I got half of it done, its kinda hard when your broke so your borrowing money from you parents and have a limited budget, but none the less i have convinced myself that i'm not going to blow it off untill Christmas Eve

2004-12-21 [suicidalbunny131]: i'm officially broke thanks to the youth outing and I'm still not done Christmas shopping..

2004-12-21 [Itsme2]: Heh...yeah, I only allowed myself half of my money yesterday, so I still have about $65 left. Man, Megan got so mad at me yesterday cause I went with Patrick, Ricky, and Bryan instead of her and Brittney.

2004-12-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: Ouch! Is she one of those people that stays mad at you or will she get over it?

2004-12-21 [Itsme2]: Well, she'll have to get over it. I'm pretty sure we're ok, now, but you know...

2004-12-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: yeah, been there done that...i'm actually trying to calm my friend down at the moment cause one of our close friends told her that he doesn't want to talk to her anymore

2004-12-21 [Itsme2]: Really? How did that come about?

2004-12-21 [sugar_n_spicy]: well he asked her out and she just wanted to be friends with him becasue she wasn't ready (even though she liked him like that) That kinda made their realationship awkward and than when they did talk they were yelling at each other, but really they both want to be friends again, but don't know how to get back together again! and i'm stuck in the middle being best friends with both of them

2004-12-21 [Itsme2]: Ooh...that kind of sucks...

2004-12-22 [sugar_n_spicy]: yeah, i'm gunna hang out with her tommrow so hopefully we can mend some things, we're going bowling so maybe that will get rid of some hurt and anger

2004-12-22 [Itsme2]: I hope so. It sucks when friends are mad at each other.

2004-12-22 [sugar_n_spicy]: Well MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! we finelly got out of school and ready for winter BREAK

2004-12-22 [Itsme2]: Merry christmas to you too! Doesn't winter break rock?

2004-12-22 [sugar_n_spicy]: YES!!! I have to plan out a jam packed full schedule of friends and snow!!

2004-12-22 [Itsme2]: EH!!! Snow! I want snow!!!

2004-12-22 [sugar_n_spicy]: you don't get any snow?? we just had snow coming down after we thought we were getting a brown x-mas and everybody went totally balistic...its crazy!!

2004-12-22 [Itsme2]: No, I just moved to sunny Florida! Although it's not very sunny's kind of gray and rainy...

2004-12-23 [sugar_n_spicy]: WoW Flordia! I've always wanted to visit there, but i don't know how well i could do without snow, but rain is always good i love the rain and its been a while since its really poured rain here..(this is our sixth year of the drought)

2004-12-23 [Itsme2]: Wow...where are you from?

2004-12-23 [sugar_n_spicy]: alright i'm going to tell you where i live and you have to tell me truthfully what you think about the place k?...........Montana

2004-12-23 [Itsme2]: Montana? I've never been there, but I want to go.

2004-12-24 [sugar_n_spicy]: sure..... why would you want to come here?

2004-12-24 [suicidalbunny131]: i just want snow!!!! i've been in florida too long...17 years too long

2004-12-24 [sugar_n_spicy]: yikes! 17 yrs and no snow....i couldn't do it. Have you ever seen snow?

2004-12-25 [Itsme2]: You'll see snow over spring break, Jamie. I hope...

2004-12-26 [sugar_n_spicy]: hey Merry Christmas Everyone!1

2004-12-26 [sugar_n_spicy]: hey Merry Christmas Everyone!

2004-12-26 [Itsme2]: Merry CHRISTmas to you too!

2004-12-26 [sugar_n_spicy]: i'm craving a pineapple slushie again

2004-12-27 [Itsme2]: And why do you like pineapple slushies so much?

2004-12-29 [suicidalbunny131]: Happy late Merry Christmas lol

2004-12-29 [Itsme2]: Yeah, just a bit late!

2004-12-30 [up_dog]: happy lasy day of 2004 tomorrow

2004-12-31 [Itsme2]: Yes! You, too!

2005-02-01 [suicidalbunny131]: wow, this wiki is active...

2005-02-01 [Itsme2]: Yeah, it is! Woot!

2005-02-04 ['.:Sweet Princess:.']: ummm... I don't know what to say....But I love Relient K, they are having a consert soon... I think... up in Tampa

2005-02-04 [suicidalbunny131]: really? that's cool. i got a friend who lives near there

2005-02-04 [Itsme2]: I know. I thought that I wanted to go to that one, but it's coming up too quickly.

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